Nationwide regional travel business analysis by Visit Finland

Visit Finland coordinates international travel marketing and provides support services for both Destination Management Organizations and travel businesses across the country.

As the travel industry has many different kinds of service providers, it is essential to understand where they stand in terms of their abilities to grow their business. This way, the support services can better meet the needs of the companies.

To achieve this, Visit Finland provides special surveys for destinations that activate local businesses to respond. These surveys are delivered using Bislenz technology.

Each response is evaluated, and the final results are categorized into levels: Ready, Steady, or Go. These levels illustrate the readiness of the company in surveyed fields. The surveys cover internationalization readiness, digitalization readiness, and readiness for knowledge management.

Destinations can monitor the results of their own companies and benchmark the overall results with other destinations. Visit Finland has visibility on a nationwide level.

The companies receive a results page that includes their given answers, as well as comments and hints concerning each question topic.

BisLenz serves as the platform for managing these surveys and sharing results. More than 100 organizations are connected to provide a nationwide perspective on the readiness of the travel industry in Finland.

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Picture of Aki Hankaniemi

Aki Hankaniemi

aki.hankaniemi(at), +358407259479
Picture of Aki Hankaniemi

Aki Hankaniemi

aki.hankaniemi(at), +358407259479