Book a Meeting with Us!

  • Learn how to make better business decisions with BisLenz
  • Get to know the best knowledge management practices for your business
  • Hear tips from an expert who has helped many companies bring live data alongside the decision

Contact Us Now

Marko Filenius

Marko Filenius

BisLenz Evangelist

Aki Hankaniemi

Aki Hankaniemi


Tiia Itkonen

Tiia Itkonen

Customer Success Manager

BisLenz is State of Art Software Platform

Software is completely developed and managed by us, and we develop it customer-centrically to better and better meet the needs of different types of customers.

Meet Our Development Team

Olli Ruponen

Olli Ruponen

Tech Lead

Jere Isomäki

Jere Isomäki


Leevi Kukkonen

Leevi Kukkonen


Markus Hautaniemi

Markus Hautaniemi


Olavi Rantala

Olavi Rantala


Behind Bislenz is Company Named Tridea Oy

Tridea's mission is to simplify analytics and management with information.

We focus on the development of the BisLenz software with the aim of making it easier for company management to utilize business information and make better decisions based on it.

Customer experience and customer understanding are at the core of Tridea. Both can be approached through numbers, but a human understanding of the psychology of business and customers is also needed.

Customers play a strong role in Tridea’s product development, they are listened to with a sensitive ear.

Tridea Team