Shared data driving force for Culture Capitol of Europe 2026 – Oulu

Oulu is preparing to take over the European Capital of Culture status in 2026. This development has sparked enormous interest in the destination, particularly from a travel perspective. However, it’s not just the city that stands to benefit; the entire region is gearing up to welcome an increasing number of tourists.

Visit Oulu has taken the initiative to lead development across the entire region, aiming to better understand traveler behavior and meet the growing demand effectively. At the heart of this development lies data—data to comprehend customer requirements and monitor results.

BisLenz provides an all-in-one platform for collecting, organizing, and visualizing various types of travel-related data. It also facilitates the sharing of relevant data among stakeholders. In this case, stakeholders include municipalities as well as travel businesses in the region.

The regional cooperation is founded on total transparency of data. This means that all municipalities and destination management organizations share the same dataset, enabling collaborative learning and planning. Marketing activities and customer segments can be pre-defined, but they must be constantly analyzed for performance improvement. This analysis extends to the channels used to reach specific customer segments.

BisLenz effectively consolidates all this data, including accommodation statistics, allowing stakeholders to witness actual results. Simultaneously, the Tourist Info leverages BisLenz tools to monitor visitor volumes and service demand. These same tools are also employed for customer experience surveys at the airport in collaboration with airline providers.

Since 2020, Visit Oulu has been utilizing BisLenz to coordinate region-wide cooperation aimed at fostering international tourism growth. BisLenz serves as the data platform supporting management, coordination, and data sharing across numerous municipalities and organizations

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Picture of Aki Hankaniemi

Aki Hankaniemi

aki.hankaniemi(at), +358407259479
Picture of Aki Hankaniemi

Aki Hankaniemi

aki.hankaniemi(at), +358407259479